
My Check-in Records

Check-in Mode > My Check-in Records

My Check-in Records

Check-in Mode > My Check-in Records

This page displays the user's check-in records from January 1st of last year to the present, using different icons and labels to illustrate various check-in statuses:

  • Purple Overtime: Indicates overtime check-in.
  • Dark Blue M: Displays check-in records manually added by the administrator.
  • Orange A: Indicates that this supplementary check-in record has not yet been approved by the reviewer.
  • Light Blue A: Represents an approved supplementary check-in record.

If there is an orange A on the check-in record, it means that the record is a supplementary check-in record and has not been approved, so it will not be included in the exported data. After approval, the record will be included in the exported data, and the symbol will be changed to light blue A.

Delete Incorrect Check-in Records

Check-in Mode > My Check-in Records > Select the check-in record to be deleted > Delete

If you accidentally misrecord starting work as ending work, etc., users can delete and correct it through this process.

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