Clock-In Mode

Clock-In Mode is for employee use.

Clock-In Button

Clock-In Mode > Clock In

Employees can start the clock-in process by tapping this button.


The app displays the unified time from the cloud server, not the time from individual mobile devices (phones, tablets). This ensures that all users' clock-in times are accurate and consistent. The time display is based on the time zone set when creating the organization.


Displays the current date according to your organization's time zone.

Day of the Week

Displays the current day of the week according to your organization's time zone.

Current Time

Displays the current time according to your organization's time zone.

Cloud Sync

Each time you clock in, the system automatically synchronizes with the cloud to ensure data security and timeliness.

Time Update Frequency

The time display updates every second to ensure users see the most current time.

Time Zone Changes

The time zone of an established organization cannot be changed. If you need to change the organization's time zone, please recreate the organization.

Data Protection

All clock-in data is encrypted and stored on the cloud server to ensure employee privacy and data security.


Displays the user's name and job title.


Displays the current user's name.

Job Title

Displays the current user's job title.


Displays the usage status of annual leave, compensatory leave, sick leave, and personal leave.

Pull down on the screen to refresh the data.

Annual Leave

Displays the usage status of annual leave.

Compensatory Leave

Displays the usage status of compensatory leave.

Sick Leave

Displays the usage status of sick leave.

Personal Leave

Displays the usage status of personal leave.

My Clock-In Records

Clock-In Mode > My Clock-In Records

Displays the employee's clock-in records.

My Leave Requests

Clock-In Mode > My Leave Requests

Displays leave status including annual leave, compensatory leave, sick leave, personal leave, and allows you to submit leave requests.

Note! Leave requests are not integrated with the schedule, so approved leave will not be visible on the schedule.

Missing Clock-In

Clock-In Mode > Missing Clock-In

If you do not see this feature, it means the feature has been disabled by the administrator.

My Schedule

Clock-In Mode > My Schedule

Displays the employee's schedule in a calendar view.

My Requests

Clock-In Mode > My Requests

Submit requests for overtime, remote work, or business trips.

Overtime Request

Clock-In Mode > My Requests > Overtime Request

Employees can request overtime here, awaiting approval from the reviewer.

If you do not see this feature, it means the feature has been disabled by the administrator.

Note! Overtime requests are not integrated with the schedule, so approved overtime will not be visible on the schedule.

Remote Work Request

Clock-In Mode > My Requests > Remote Work Request

Employees can request remote work here, awaiting approval from the reviewer.

If you do not see this feature, it means the feature has been disabled by the administrator.

Note! Remote work requests are not integrated with the schedule, so approved remote work will not be visible on the schedule.

Business Trip Request

Clock-In Mode > My Requests > Business Trip Request

Employees can request business trips here, awaiting approval from the reviewer.

If you do not see this feature, it means the feature has been disabled by the administrator.

Note! Business trip requests are not integrated with the schedule, so approved business trips will not be visible on the schedule.

My Uploads

Clock-In Mode > My Uploads

Files uploaded by the user.

Uploaded files must not exceed 25 MB.


Clock-In Mode > Announcements

Announcements posted by the administrator. Employees can tap to view them, and administrators will have a record.


Clock-In Mode > Policies

Policies posted by the administrator. Employees can choose to tap "I Agree."


Clock-In Mode > Goals

Goals posted by the administrator. Employees can choose to tap "I Agree."

Download Files

Clock-In Mode > Download Files

Files uploaded by the administrator that employees can download and use.

National Holidays

Clock-In Mode > National Holidays

Displays national holidays in Taiwan.