Management Mode

The "Management Mode" of this application provides various functions to ensure the accuracy and security of employee data and clock-in records. The time display is synchronized with the cloud server and shows the current date, day, and specific time based on the time zone set for the organization. All data is encrypted, stored, and automatically synchronized to the cloud.

In the "Personnel" feature, administrators can add new personnel, view and edit employee data, set leave approvers, and manage clock-in records. Employee clock-in records, application records, and organizational management permissions can all be viewed and managed in Management Mode. Various functions ensure data timeliness, security, and privacy protection.

Add New Personnel

Management Mode > Add New Personnel

Administrators can invite new employees to join the organization via:

  1. Employees scan the QR code
  2. Employees enter the invitation code
  3. Send the invitation link to employees

Employees must first install the SwipePoint app and complete account login before joining the organization.


Management Mode > Time

The application displays the unified time from the cloud server, not the time from individual mobile devices (phones, tablets). This ensures that all administrators see accurate and consistent clock-in times. The time display is based on the time zone set when creating the organization.


Displays the current date according to your organization's time zone.

Day of the Week

Displays the current day of the week according to your organization's time zone.

Current Time

Displays the current time according to your organization's time zone.

Cloud Sync

All data, including clock-ins, is automatically synchronized to the cloud to ensure data security and timeliness.

Time Update Frequency

The time display updates every second to ensure that users see the most current time.

Time Zone Changes

The time zone of an established organization cannot be changed. If you need to change the organization's time zone, please recreate the organization.

Data Protection

All data is encrypted and stored on the cloud server to protect employee privacy and data security.


Management Mode > Identity

Displays the user's name and job title.


Displays the current user's name.

Job Title

Displays the current user's job title.


Management Mode > Status

Pull down on the screen to refresh and update the status data.

Currently Working

Displays employees who are currently working.

Leave Today

Displays employees who are on leave today.

Upcoming Birthdays

Displays employees with upcoming birthdays.


Management Mode > Calendar

Displays the calendar.


Management Mode > Personnel

Personal Information

Management Mode > Personnel > Personal Information

View or edit employee personal information, including name, nickname, employee ID, tags, gender, birthday, phone number, email, address, responsibility system, allowed IP addresses, clock-in correction approvers, leave approvers, overtime approvers, remote work approvers, business trip approvers, groups, position, hourly wage, daily wage, monthly salary, start date, formal employment, extension number, and emergency contact.

Tags are used for message posting.

The responsibility system is divided into "requires clock-in" and "does not require clock-in."

Setting Leave Approvers

After adding a group within the organization, add administrators and personnel to each group to assign leave approval authority based on the set administrators. If no specific approvers are set, the highest authority person can be selected.

Leave Approval

Management Mode > Personnel > Personal Information > Select Employee Name > Leave Approvers

Leave approvers: Creator/Highest Management Authority/Group Administrator


Management Mode > Personnel > Performance

Displays employee performance.


Management Mode > Personnel > Contacts

Displays employee contact information.


Management Mode > Personnel > Birthdays

Displays employees' birthdays.


Management Mode > Personnel > Tenure

Displays employees' tenure.

Personnel Upload

Management Mode > Personnel > Personnel Upload

Displays files uploaded by employees.

Download Files

Management Mode > Personnel > Download Files

Displays files uploaded for employees to download.

Export Personal Data

Management Mode > Personnel > Export Personal Data

Allows exporting of employee personal data.

Application Records

Management Mode > Application Records

Displays records of overtime, remote work, and business trips.

Overtime Application Records

Management Mode > Application Records > Overtime Application Records

Displays overtime application records.

Remote Work Application Records

Management Mode > Application Records > Remote Work Application Records

Displays remote work application records.

Business Trip Application Records

Management Mode > Application Records > Business Trip Application Records

Displays business trip application records.


Management Mode > Organization

My Organization

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization

Organization Name

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Organization Name

Allows modification of the organization name; it is recommended to use Chinese, English, and numbers.

Note! Do not enter special characters.

Invitation Code

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Invitation Code

New personnel should scan this QR code or enter the invitation code to join the organization.

Time Unit

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Time Unit

Set the smallest time unit for leave applications; options include 15 minutes / 30 minutes / 1 hour.

Clock-In Correction Function

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Clock-In Correction Function
  • Enabled: Employees can apply for clock-in corrections online.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot apply for clock-in corrections online.

Limit Clock-In Correction Attempts

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Limit Clock-In Correction Attempts
  • Enabled: Employees' clock-in correction attempts are limited; exceeding the limit prevents further corrections.
  • Disabled: Employees' clock-in correction attempts are unlimited.

Leave Application Function

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Leave Application Function
  • Enabled: Employees can apply for leave online.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot apply for leave online.

Clock-In Overtime Function

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Clock-In Overtime Function
  • Enabled: Employees can clock in for overtime.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot clock in for overtime.

Allow Skipping Schedule for Clock-In

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Allow Skipping Schedule for Clock-In
  • Enabled: Employees can click "Skip" when clocking in without selecting a schedule.
  • Disabled: Employees must select a schedule to clock in.

Allow Skipping Clock-In Points

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Allow Skipping Clock-In Points
  • Enabled: Employees can click "Skip" when clocking in without selecting a clock-in point.
  • Disabled: Employees must select a clock-in point to clock in.

Delete Organization

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Delete Organization

Allows deleting the organization.

Note! Once an organization is deleted, all data within the organization will also be deleted and cannot be recovered.


Management Mode > Organization > Groups

Group settings define that group administrators can only manage personnel within their groups. The organization creator can manage all personnel, but administrators are limited by group settings.

Active Personnel

Management Mode > Organization > Active Personnel

Displays current active personnel.

Former Employees

Management Mode > Organization > Former Employees

Displays employees who have left.

Setting Employees as Former

When an employee is set as former, they will be automatically removed from the organization and will not see any organization-related data. If the employee rejoins the organization, they will only see clock-in records from the day they rejoin.

It is recommended not to set employees as former before settling their salaries. Once set as former, clock-in records cannot be modified.

Can Former Personnel Be Reset to Active?

Personnel set as former cannot be modified back to active. The employee must reapply.

Management Permissions

Management Mode > Organization > Management Permissions

Management permissions are divided into creator, highest manager, designated manager, and no management permissions.

To assign management permissions, select the desired person to be a manager, then click the "Default" option in the upper right corner to choose between setting as a manager or highest manager.

Send Notifications

Management Mode > Send Notifications

1. Announcements

Management Mode > Send Notifications > Announcements

Administrators can post announcements here and choose recipients.

2. Policies

Management Mode > Send Notifications > Policies

Administrators can post policies here and choose recipients.

3. Goals

Management Mode > Send Notifications > Goals

Administrators can post goals here and choose recipients.