Clock-in Records & Management

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management

In this feature, administrators can view, add, or delete individual clock-in records, review clock-in anomalies and supplemental clock-ins, view modified records, set clock-in locations, and export clock-in and overtime records.

Individual Clock-in Records

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Individual Clock-in Records

This feature displays an employee's individual clock-in records. Clicking on the clock-in time will show detailed information, including GPS location, Wi-Fi, IP, NFC, Bluetooth, clock-in type (regular, overtime), clock-in location, and clock-in method.

View Clock-in Records

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Individual Clock-in Records > Select Employee > Select Month

If a clock-in record has an hourglass symbol (⌛), it indicates that the record is a supplemental clock-in by the employee and has not yet been approved. This record will not be included in the exported data. Once approved, the record will be included in the export, and the hourglass symbol will disappear.

If a clock-in record has a star symbol (*), it indicates that it is an overtime clock-in record and will appear in the exported overtime records.

Add Clock-in Record

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Individual Clock-in Records > Select Employee > Add Clock-in Record

Administrators can add a clock-in record for an employee, such as when the employee forgets to clock in or selects the wrong shift during clock-in.

Delete Clock-in Record

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Individual Clock-in Records > Select Employee > Select the Clock-in Record to Delete > Delete

Administrators can delete a specific clock-in record for an employee.

SwipePoint does not have a function to modify clock-in records. If there is an error, please add a new clock-in record and delete the incorrect one.

View Employee Clock-in Notes

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Individual Clock-in Records > Select Employee > Click on Clock-in Time

Administrators can view the notes entered by the employee at the time of clock-in.

Clock-in Anomalies

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Clock-in Anomalies

Displays clock-in anomalies.

Modified Records

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Modified Records

Displays modified records.

Export Clock-in Records

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Export Clock-in Records

You can export clock-in records here. The exported files can be opened using Excel.

If the exported data has a (補) symbol next to the time, it indicates a supplemental clock-in by the employee.

If the exported data has a (正) symbol next to the time, it indicates a clock-in record added by the administrator.

Clock-in Records Cannot Be Exported

This may be due to special characters in the organization name, such as "/" in the name. Please change it under Organization Name.

Admin Mode > Organization > My Organization > Organization Name

Export Overtime Records

Admin Mode > Clock-in Records & Management > Export Overtime Records

You can export overtime clock-in records here. The exported files can be opened using Excel.

If the exported data has a (補) symbol next to the time, it indicates a supplemental clock-in by the employee.

If the exported data has a (正) symbol next to the time, it indicates an overtime clock-in record added by the administrator.